Is the "Made in Italy" a key to success? An empirical investigation

Cappelli Lucio, D’Ascenzo Fabrizio, Natale Luisa, Rossetti Francesca, Ruggieri Roberto, Vistocco Domenico
(2016) Atti del XXVII Congresso Nazionale di Scienze Merceologiche. Qualità & Innovazione per una Economia Circolare ed un Futuro Sostenibile, p. 124-130, ISBN 978-88-941647-0-1


Goal: The paper aims to analyze the attitude of the consumers towards “Made in Italy” in order to identify the associated attributes and value systems that may affect the purchase of “Made in Italy” products. The research questions considered are: 1) the existence of a recognition of the “Made in Italy” in terms of a qualitative characterization of products, and 2) the presence of a willingness to pay for such products, attempting a quantification of potential “premium price”. The research project, from a theoretical point of view, presents the main fields of literature, and from an empirical point of view, it investigates -through the use of a questionnaire- the existence and the kind of relationship between the perception of the quality and the willingness to pay for a “Made in Italy” product.