Statistical Learning and Modeling in Data Analysis

Simona Balzano, Giovanni C Porzio, Renato Salvatore, Domenico Vistocco, Maurizio Vichi - Editors (Springer, 2021).

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This book offers a collection of papers focusing on methods for statistical learning and modeling in data analysis. A series of interesting applications are offered as well. Several research topics are covered, ranging from statistical inference and modeling to clustering and factorial methods, from directional data analysis to time series analysis and small area estimation. Applications deal with new analyses within a variety of fields of interest: medicine, finance, engineering, marketing, cyber risk, to cite a few.

The book arises as post-proceedings of the 12th meeting of the CLAssification and Data Analysis Group (CLADAG) of the Italian Statistical Society (SIS), held in Cassino (IT), on September 11–13, 2019. The first CLADAG meeting was held in 1997, in Pescara (IT). CLADAG is also a member of the International Federation of Classification Societies (IFCS), founded in 1985. CLADAG promotes advanced methodological research in multivariate statistics with a special vocation towards Data Analysis and Classification. It supports the interchange of ideas in these fields of research, including the dissemination of concepts, numerical methods, algorithms, computational and applied results. This book is thus in line with the main CLADAG goals.

Thanks to the participation of renowned speakers, coming from 28 different countries, the scientific program of the CLADAG 2019 Conference was particularly engaging. It saw 5 Keynote Lectures, 32 Invited Sessions, 16 Contributed Sessions, a Round Table, and a Data Competition.

Table of contents